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  • October 31, 2022

Why Microneedling Treatment Is The Best Way To Regain Skin Elasticity

Microneedling is a treatment that uses a thick, needle-like instrument to puncture the skin repeatedly, creating tiny wounds. These wounds heal over a few days, forming new collagen and increasing skin elasticity. You can use micro needling as part of your skincare routine to help improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles or even acne scars. Learn more about micro-needling and why it should be your next skincare regimen at perfect skin guide!

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What are the benefits of Microneedling?

  • It can also help improve circulation and decrease inflammation.
  • One of the most popular reasons for using it is to improve skin elasticity. It uses a small amount of pressure to create tiny punctures in the skin. These punctures cause microscopic tears in the skin that allow it to heal more quickly and regenerate more collagen.
  • Another benefit of it is that it can reduce the appearance of wrinkles and scars. 
  • Additionally, increased blood flow helps reduce inflammation, which can also promote better healing.

To do an at-home treatment, you'll need the following supplies:

-Microneedles (available online or at your local pharmacy) 

-Clean gauze or cloths 

-warm water 



Common Microneedling Mistakes

1. Not using enough needles – Too many needles can cause excessive bleeding and pain, and may not be effective at treating the skin. 

2. Not cleaning the needles after use – Microneedles should be sterilized after each use to prevent cross-infection. 

3. Applying pressure – When applying pressure during micro-needling, it can cause too much blood flow and lead to excessive bruising or swelling.

George Brooks

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