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  • September 30, 2022

What Are The Different Types Of Pest Control Chemicals?

Pest control chemicals come in many different types, and each one has its own specific purpose. This article will outline the different types of insect control chemicals, and explain their purposes.

Pesticides are the most common type of pest control chemical. They’re used to kill pests. Pesticides can be organic or inorganic. Organic pesticides are made from plants and are considered more environmentally friendly because they don’t harm wildlife. Inorganic pesticides are made from chemicals and are less sustainable because they tend to damage our environment.

Attractants are used to bring pests into contact with the pesticide. Some attractants work by mimicking natural insect pheromones, while others lure pests with food or other smells.

Herbicides kill plants by damaging their cells' DNA. Herbicides can be classified as selective or-selective. Selective herbicides kill only plants that have been targeted by the herbicide, while non-selective herbicides kill both plants and weeds. Herbicides are most commonly used to control weeds.

Pest repellents are chemicals that deter pests from coming near a person or object. Many repellents use natural compounds, such as citronella or pyrethrum, to make pests stay away. Some repellents use synthetic compounds, such as DEET or picaridin, which are more effective but also more harmful to humans if they come in contact with the skin.

 Pest control chemicals come in many different types, and each one has its own specific purpose. You can select according to the type of pests and needs.


George Brooks

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