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  • January 20, 2021

Top International Schools For Your Children in Neitherland

Where do our children spend six hours a day, five days a week and 35 weeks a year between the ages of three or four and eleven – that's about 8000 hours? At their primary school!

What happens in this school matters. The adults they meet play a significant role in their lives. If our children are in the wrong school, there is unhappiness, poor achievement, worry and even bad feeling. You can also give the best education to your child in the Primary Years (ages 6-11) via

We blame the school, ourselves or our children. They are unhappy – not just in the school but also in the evening worrying about tomorrow and feeling wretched on the journey to school.

This is not the recipe for the best learning and growing into a confident, healthy person. We waste precious time visiting the school in unhappy circumstances instead of feeling proud and pleased. With a bit of care you can set the scene to avoid this and help to give your child a good school career.

Plan of action

Think: what do you want for your child? The more detailed you can be the better. Consider your own values. Yes you want the best – but what does that mean? There are three key areas you might consider:

1. you want your child to be happy

2. you want a good education for your child

3. you want to be able to trust the school


Happy children learn quickly and grow confidently. They are happier to participate and get the most out of the educational and social opportunities in a school. Children are happy if they feel purposeful and appreciated; praised for their successes; encouraged through their mistakes; and treated fairly along with their school-mates.

George Brooks

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