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  • January 21, 2022

The CFD Consulting Workflow

CFD is an excellent business tool that offers high accuracy, flexibility, and breadth. To get the most out of CFD, it would be helpful if you had expert predictions as well as software. A consultant should be able to predict fluid interactions and trade-offs.

The right CFD service provider should have prior experience in helping companies to solve their simulation challenges. You can find the best CFD consulting companies via

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Besides, simulation experts should communicate the results promptly and accurately for easy implementation. Proper analysis and delivery can help to solve present and future design challenges. 

CFD consultation follows a given process to be useful as you expect. The service provider should start by understanding all of your aspects and requirements. Therefore, the project should begin with a brief meeting between you and your service provider.

The meeting then paves the way for the following steps:

1. CAD Preparation

You can issue the service provider with your geometry or set the parts up using their knowledge. They remove non-essential elements, then unite and prepare essential components for meshing.

2. Meshing

This step involves dividing the flow domain into manageable volumes. This step’s effectiveness, speed, and quality mainly depend on your consultant’s level of expertise. If well-executed, the simulation step becomes easy as the information is well organized.

3. Simulation

Here, a computer will calculate all essential fluid flow parameters in every volume. This step takes more or less time, depending on how big and complicated it is.

George Brooks

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