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  • October 23, 2020

Study abroad: Tips for International Students

Whether it's just a few weeks, a semester or a few years, studying abroad has been a unique opportunity to broaden students' horizons. You can contact professionals by clicking here if you wish to study abroad.

Edwise International - Study Abroad Consultants: 7 Practical Tips for International Students

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When it comes to the language barrier, you'll want to run into a variety of issues. You need to do the following before going abroad: –

Prepare: – After you have made the most important decisions about your stay – including your choice of an academic program, institution and accommodation. A good starting point for your preparation process is to access the international student office website of the academic institution of your choice.

Here you will find a wealth of information about the program, admissions and student life. Maybe the site offers a virtual tour of the campus or an FAQ section that you can use. And what about your knowledge of the country itself, its language, social norms, etiquette and culture? Take the time to read it and prepare yourself mentally for this new and exciting venture.

Improve your language skills first: – There are many ways to improve your language skills before leaving. Take a course, preferably in person. If for some reason taking classes isn't an option for you, enroll in an online course tailored to your needs.

You can find a list on the Internet as they can be of great help, especially for writing later academic papers. Watch television programs and films in the target language. Take advantage of free online resources, especially newspapers, magazines, and blogs. They provide a way to improve your language skills without spending a dime.


George Brooks

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