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  • March 5, 2021

Repair Foundation Cracks Before They Seriously Damage Your Home

Cracks on your base are more than just an aesthetic issue. Whether due to hydrostatic pressure, soil contours, or routine shrinkage, these cracks must be removed immediately. The longer it breaks, the more likely it is that your foundation will cause structural damage. 

Water can also seep into your basement through gaps, creating the potential for mold growth, water damage, and additional structural problems! If you are looking to waterproof your basement, then you can contact professional basement repair in Milwaukee via

If you have cracks or other cavities in your foundation, it's time to repair the damage (and prevent further damage to basements, foundations, and houses). Depending on the nature and severity of your problems with the foundation, there are several solutions:

* Concrete

* Epoxy injected

* Vinyl record

* Crystal sealant

The innovative solution is the Foundation Crack Repair method. This modern technique was originally developed from the repair process: holes were drilled into the gaps at 45-degree angles on both sides and closed-cell polymer resin was sprayed into the holes. 

It is suitable for both structural and non-structural repairs, this procedure completely closes cracks with a dynamic material that can expand and shrink as needed to ensure permanent repair. 

No matter what type of foundation repair you choose, it is important to note that each has different advantages and disadvantages. Some create more confusion than others; Some will require digging around your base etc.

George Brooks

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