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  • January 5, 2023

Overview Of Frameless Glass Balustrade

As the name suggests, frameless glass balustrades are a type of railing that does not have a frame. Instead, they rely on large panes of glass to provide both support and aesthetics. While this design may seem fragile, when installed correctly, frameless glass balustrades are actually very strong and can provide a sleek, modern look to any home or office.

One of the main benefits of frameless glass railing is that they allow for an unobstructed view. This is because there is no metal frame to get in the way and obstruct your line of sight. Whether you're looking out over a stunning vista or simply want to keep an eye on your children while they play in the yard, frameless glass balustrades are the perfect choice.

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Another advantage of frameless glass balustrades is that they are very easy to clean. Unlike metal frames which can be difficult to reach and clean, with a frameless glass balustrade all you need is a cloth and some soapy water to keep it looking like new.

If you're thinking about installing a frameless glass balustrade in your home or office, there are a few things you should keep in mind. First, make sure you hire a professional installer who has experience with this type of railing. Second, be prepared to pay more for a frameless glass balustrade than you would for one with a metal frame – but the results will  be worth it.

Finally, keep in mind that frameless glass balustrades are not suitable for every situation. If you have young children or pets at home, you may want to consider another railing option that is more child-friendly and secure. 

George Brooks

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