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  • February 10, 2022

Legal Documents To Check Before Buying Property

It is important to verify all documents to ensure that there aren't lines on the 2/3 bhk property you plan to buy. You can buy documents online  related to property that you are going to buy for yourself or your family. Let's look at some of the documents you should check. 

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Purchase of property and documents to check

Report Title Search

This report contains details about documents that were examined to verify the property's history. Details such as the present and past title holders, property description, and joint tenancy information are all checked. If you plan to apply for a loan on your home, this report is necessary.

Commencement Certificate (CC):

This document must be issued by local authorities. It legally authorizes a builder or contractor to begin actual construction. why this is so important. Without a CC, any construction is illegal.

Approved layout plans:

Layout plans should be approved by the relevant planning authorities. Be cautious when buying a home. There have been instances where developers altered the approved layouts by adding floors or reducing open spaces.

Purchase Agreement:

To ensure that you get everything promised, make sure to carefully read the legal documents before buying a house. A builder or promoter can only be held legally responsible for the terms of the purchase agreement. You cannot hold them accountable for promises made verbally.

Occupancy Certificate (OC):

This certificate is issued by local authorities and states that the property was constructed in accordance with the given permissions. 

George Brooks

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