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  • November 17, 2020

How to Get Dead Sea Salt?

The only salt in the world's oceans comes from the Dead Sea. This freshwater desert in Israel and Jordan is one of the world's smallest seas but has the most mineral content of any other oceanic body.

The Dead Sea is a vast expanse of dry salt flats and smooth black soil surrounded by water. More than 20 percent of the water on Earth comes from this place. Its sole ecosystem includes an ancient animal kingdom and an ancient fish culture.

For thousands of years, the ancients worshipped arak man (dead sea bull) as the supreme god. In its name, the ancients made amulets for protection against evil spirits. They believed that the powerful anrak bull could kill the demons haunting them. Arak man also brought prosperity and abundance to the aqua and was their guardian.

As the salt seas were being emptied by agricultural development, the ancients' belief in anrak disappeared. As a result, people in the region turned to rock salt mining. Rock salt is found on every dead sea salt flat and their production uses many Palestinian workers to work in the mines.

Rock salt used to be found in large pieces in the middle of the Dead Sea sand. Today, it is often mined and contains huge amounts of minerals that are incompatible with bacteria.

Dead sea salt is mined in several countries around the world. It is traded in the international market and consumed in the form of table salt.

The Dead Sea salt is often mixed with other sea salts to make it more versatile. Before the introduction of salt, people drank both sea and kosher salts.

Salt crystals should be used in bowls or dishes with lids so that they do not absorb moisture. Liquid-resistant containers are used for food and dishes.

Incidentally, this is also the reason why limes have much less sugar in them than other fruits do when they are mixed with saltwater. It is also used in baking.

In any household, the best way to get the Dead Sea salt is through a water filtration unit. The life of your water filtration unit depends on how much Dead Sea salt you add to it.

The original Dead Sea salt used to be sold in glass bottles and even fine plastic bottles that were placed in the refrigerator. However, these bottles are now being phased out by the newer, water-salt based containers.

They are installed in hot tubs, pools, and in showers by countertop systems, beach shower filters, and water-salt boilers. It is not advisable to use Dead Sea salt in the kitchen or in the bathtub due to the large amounts of impurities it has absorbed in the process.

George Brooks

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