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  • March 29, 2022

How Confidential Shredding Protects You From Identity Theft

We are living in a truly wonderful time however like any era in history there are pitfalls we must prepare for. If you are operating a business of any kind where you deal with clients' or vendors' sensitive information then you must have a plan that includes confidential shredding. You can get the best confidential shredding service for your documents via

Document Shredding Grandville, Michigan

Image Source: Google

Many of us assume if we have information on clients we could simply tear it up and throw it in the rubbish. In years gone by that was sufficient however with the current boom in identity theft and fraud the law has placed on onus on due diligence on the holders of data.

When you acquire clients' data you must first plan and document the procedure for storing this data. You will also need to have these files under lock and key with any reasonable methods to protect the data. However, when it comes time to destroy the data it is strongly suggested to seek out a professional confidential shredding company.

These businesses differ in size from tiny businesses to giant corporations, but they all guarantee that the documents that expose your company to a variety of liability concerns are handled legally.

It's a good idea to do some research before choosing a firm. Make sure the company you're dealing with is fully licenced and insured to provide the service you're looking for.

George Brooks

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