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  • September 24, 2020

The Fundamental Teachings of the Bhagavad-Gita

Bhagavad-Gita is a spiritual discourse narrated by Lord Krishna in the middle of the battlefield. It contains 18 chapters covering various topics such as the nature of oneself, the need to limit the mind and senses, withdrawing from the senses through yoga practice, performing unwanted actions, visions of the universal self, the modes of nature, the manifestation of God and rebirth of the soul. – individual soul, devotion to God, liberation, etc.

You can get to know about the introduction to Bhagavad-Gita via Hindu University of America.

The various topics discussed in the Bible fall under four main headings: the individual self, God or the universal self, the relationship between the two and individual self-liberation. Bhagavad-gita encourages us to fulfill our obligations as sacrifices to God and not turn away from them.

 It explains how delusions arise and how we commit to our current terms and offers various alternatives available to avoid them.

Although the Bhagavad-Gita on the surface seems to support the path of devotion, a careful disciple of the scriptures can recognize a clear connection with the other paths identified in it as jnana yoga (path of knowledge), karma yoga (path of action) and karma sannyasa yoga (Path) cannot ignored.

Jnana yoga is the first stage. Every student studying religion is practicing it this time. In this way, through study and contemplation, one acquires knowledge of the inner self and realizes the importance of realizing one's self and attaining salvation.

After spending time studying the scriptures, one should turn to karmic yoga to fulfil one's obligations to oneself, family and community, to fulfil one's obligations towards dharma, and to make sacrifices to God.

You can get to know more about every yoga via various online sources.

George Brooks

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