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  • June 7, 2022

Reasons For Garden Maintenance Contracts

Professional gardening firms will have a contract for the gardening services they plan to offer. The purpose of a written contract is used is to outline the services that will be offered and the frequency at which the services will be provided. 

The written contract provides both the parties (gardening client and company) knowledge of when services will be offered and how long they will last. This is also a method to assure the client that everything is taken care of and give them peace of mind. If you are looking for the garden maintenance, visit for the best services.

Garden Maintenance

It will also give the price and dates for when to pay. This will help ensure a positive relationship between the client and the company for a long time, and make sure there is no doubt to come up with. Each company has its own method of establishing maintenance contracts. Here is my suggestion.

  • The details of both the parties in the process

  • Conditions of service and terms

  • The duration for the duration of service

  • The cost of this service

  • Each party signs the document to agree to

  • The date of signing

After acceptance by both parties in the case of a written contract, the client is informed that there is no legal contractual obligation to the contract, and the company or the person can decide to end the contract at any date, generally, one month's notice is required. 

Perhaps you can also include a schedule of tasks to be completed at specific times of the year. It can be printed on the contract in order to remind customers of the other services you could offer as a gardening service.


George Brooks

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