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  • March 25, 2021

Jamaican Black Castor Oil For Hair Growth

Castor oil is squeezed from the seeds of the castor plant and has been used for centuries as a laxative, as well as an ingredient in many cosmetic products.

Castor oil is generally mixed with omega 9 and omega 6 fatty acids. These fatty acids have benefits both locally and when ingested. So there are many positive aspects of using oils on the hair and scalp that contain these fatty acids.

 jamaican castor oil

Image Source: Google

Benefits of Jamaican Castor Oil.

1- Moisturizes hair

Packed with vitamin E and omega 6 and 9 fatty acids, black castor oil works wonders to keep your hair moisturized. Because castor oil is a natural moisturizer, it locks moisture in your hair, keeping it fuller and shiny. Adding castor oil to other carrier oils that also add moisture is a great way to really treat dry hair.

2- Increase hair strength

Castor oil increases blood flow to the scalp, which carries nutrients and oxygen to the roots of the hair follicles. This is the only way to make hair stronger. However, castor oil also helps hair during the cornification process while it is in the growth phase.

3-Prevents hair loss

One way to prevent hair loss is to make your hair stronger by using castor oil. But it also smooths the cuticles in the hair, which protects the hair from breaking. It also makes it smoother and prevents dead ends from forming.

George Brooks

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