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  • June 10, 2022

How To Treat Nerve Pain In Your Shoulder, Neck, And Arm?

Nerve pain occurs when the nerves are damaged or irritated by something like a shoulder injury, neck injury, or other condition. It can often be difficult to define how long nerve pain lasts and how much it affects your day-to-day life. 

There are a few things to keep in mind when treating nerve pain in the shoulder, neck, and arm.

1. Keep the pain localized to the affected area- if you feel pain in other areas of your body, likely, the pain is not originating from the nerve itself. Some cases of nerve pain can be due to a herniated disc or tumor on one of the nerves. If you are unsure where the pain is coming from, speak with your doctor or therapist. You can read more about nerve pain in the neck-shoulder arm online via Neurosurgeonhawaii..

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2. Treating the underlying problem- many times, nerve pain is caused by an underlying problem such as diabetes or a pinched nerve. If you can identify and treat the cause of the nerve pain, it will often go away on its own.

3. Seek professional help- if you are experiencing significant nerve pain that does not improve with self-care measures, see a chiropractor, physical therapist, or another medical specialist for help. They may be able to provide additional treatments or refer you to a specialist who can help you better understand your condition.

How to Treat Functional and Structural Nerve Pain?

1. Get an accurate diagnosis from a qualified professional. Your doctor will need to examine your injury and gather other information about your health before they can recommend the best treatments.

2. Take ibuprofen as directed. Ibuprofen is a common reliever of pain associated with structural nerve damage. Take it as soon as you experience pain, and continue taking it until the pain subsides. Be sure to drink plenty of fluids while taking ibuprofen to avoid dehydration and kidney problems.

George Brooks

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