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  • August 24, 2022

How to Pack Your Belongings in a Moving Box

If you're packing to move, there are a few things you should do beforehand. Not only will this make the process go a little smoother, but you'll also be able to save some valuable time in the long run. Check out here these tips and you'll be on your way in no time! 

1. Make a list of everything you'll need to take with you. This includes not just furniture and clothes, but also any important documents and sentimental items.

2. Decide how much space you'll need for each item. Most movers will allow up to two cubic feet of space per item, so be sure to account for everything when packing.

3. Separate your belongings into groups based on what's most important to you. This will help it go faster when loading the truck and when unloading in your new home.

4. Label all of your boxes with the contents and the corresponding room in your new house. This will make it easier for the movers when they arrive and start packing up your belongings.

5. Make sure you have all of the paperwork, including a detailed inventory of your things, insurance policies and any other important documents.

6. Make sure to include any necessary tools for the job (like buckets or dollies).

7. Put everything in the boxes yourself, then take photos of each box at various stages of packing and unpacking so you know what's where once you're done moving!

George Brooks

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