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  • November 8, 2021

Hiring a Great Roofing Contractor

Your home's roof has an average lifespan of about fifteen years. If your roof is less than fifteen years old and you are experiencing roofing problems, you likely are looking to have your roof repaired rather that replaced. If your roof is older than fifteen years, it may be necessary to get a new roof installed. 

Whether you are in need of roofing repairs, a re-roof, or a new roof installation, it is prudent to hire a professional roofing contractor. A roofing contractor will be able to assess your roof's condition, recommend the proper repair or replacement, and use the proper roofing materials and ensure a professional installation.

Referrals from family and friends are a great way to find a good roofing contractor before you hire one. Even if you don't have any references, it is a good idea to get multiple roofing quotes before you hire a contractor. The roofing quote should include all details about the job, labor costs, and a time frame. It is also important to ensure that the cleanup costs are included in your quote. This could result in an extra cost or something that you will have to do yourself.

It is crucial to hire a professional, and to verify the credentials of the roofing contractor. Ask the contractor how long they have been in business. For any lawsuits or complaints, check the contractor's board. Check that they have a physical address. Roofers are often "fly-by-night" businesses that operate out of their trucks, just like other contractors. 

George Brooks

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