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  • July 22, 2021

Cosmetic Tattoo Services in Gold Coast

The permanent make-up tattoos, which are similar to traditional tattoos, are injected into your dermis (second layer of skin). Cosmetic tattoos are subtle in color and aim to enhance assets. 

To numb the area being tattooed, a topical cream is applied to the skin. The is the most popular and amazing cosmetic tattoo in Gold Coast are: eyebrows, lipliner, eyeliner, and full-on lipstick. 

The healing process for a make-up tattoo can take anywhere from 4 days to 2 weeks. After the tattoo is fully healed, you might need to have it re-done in four to eight weeks. 

Everybody is different, so you might need to get another one if the first was not satisfactory. You should be good for several years. After this procedure, your face may appear reddened and swollen. You may plan your day around this.

The ideal candidate for eyebrow tattoo

The ideal candidate for a cosmetic eyebrow tattoo is someone who is in good health and has realistic expectations of the procedure.

Eyebrow cosmetic procedures do not return the area to a completely normal appearance but improve and balance the patient's overall image.

Good candidates for cosmetic eyebrow tattoos are patients who are allergic or sensitive to make-up, have skin or hair loss problems, are sick, or don't have time to put on make-up.

George Brooks

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