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  • March 25, 2022

Commercial Laundry Services’ Role in Long-Term Care

With the inevitable retirement and growing older in the Baby Boomer population long-term care is beginning to see the beginnings of growth that could last for a few years. This is great news for committed healthcare workers who specialize in elder and long-term health care.

One area in which they need to be particularly cautious is the laundry services they choose to use. The hiring of a laundry service can help make a long-term facility manager's life much simpler. You can hire a commercial laundry service via

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Yes, you'll require equipment and staff to make sure that residents are comfortable in their clothing and that personal things are properly cleaned and looked after if that is an on-site facility However, bedding towels, gowns, uniforms, bedding and other linens can be handled outside your facility by professionals. 

The professional healthcare laundry services can be fully equipped to focus care of the cleaning and maintenance of your linen supplies regardless of the size of your facility or the demand you have. Professional laundry services are in business because they're equipped to meet the requirements the patients and their relatives have for the linens in your facility. 

Healthcare laundry services will supply your facility with an ongoing supply of professionally cleaned and sanitized bedding in order to make sure that the patients, as well as their family members, are happy. They also will keep your staff and you content because they scrutinize every piece of bedding and linen as it arrives for cleaning to make sure that it's still operating at the standard that your facility requires. 


George Brooks

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