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  • April 28, 2022

Benefits Of A Natural Microcurrent Facelift

Microcurrent facial lifts are now the fastest-growing service within the industry of spas. The non-invasive procedure is a natural and non-surgical alternative to the well-known traditional facelift. With the promise of minimal discomfort, no downtime, and no adverse consequences.

Microcurrent skin treatment is a highly sought-after procedure. It's not only completely secure but also only a fraction of the cost of traditional facelift surgery.

Microcurrent facial

Image Source: Google

If a customer is seeking to improve their overall appearance and overall health of their face, microcurrent treatment is recommended.

This non-surgical and secure procedure to improve the appearance of the skin gives clients a younger and healthier appearance. Microcurrents can not only help a facelift alter the appearance of the skin but they can also help to improve the tone and lift of the facial muscles. The technology can assist in lifting droopy eyebrows and reducing sagging jowls. The clients see wrinkles and fine lines decreased or even completely removed.

A microcurrent facelift focuses on muscles, but the advantages are numerous. Due to the lower electrical energy, blood circulation increases drastically, which results in the capacity for rapid reproduction of cells. The human cell is made up of triphosphates of adenosine (ATP) which are the cell's energy source. In a microcurrent facelift, ATPs could increase by up to 50%, which is equivalent to an increase in collagen production and elastin production and equates to a more youthful appearance and healthier skin overall.

George Brooks

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