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  • February 11, 2021

All About General Career Tips

In most cases, there is always room to climb higher in your chosen career or still make a great impression when and where needed. Finding career tips, ones that can generally help you can sometimes be a little hard to find or understand. General career tips that make sense, are all you want to find to help you light your way through your career tunnel.

Have a great resume, and always keep an updated copy even with your current company. By improving on your resume you are also showing initiative to climb and to keep improving in your chosen field regardless of already having a position, this can also be a bonus for those in temporary career positions that they are hoping leads to permanent employment with the company.

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A well-written resume is a must with your experience clearly outlined. There are many websites online that can help you with free templates and examples to create a professional resume.

Out of all the career tips, you may find online, a well-written resume should be on anyone's list if not at the top. Don't ever be afraid to update your resume with your company at any point that your experience or education changes especially that can be beneficial to the company and career you have chosen.

Practice your interviewing skills.

Regardless if it is for a new position within your company or a position you could not simply turn down that now wants a phone interview, some places will do just face to face interviews, depending on the area of the position of the company schedule you may also find yourself doing a phone interview and a face to face interview.

Be prepared for questions regarding the position and the education surrounding it. Follow the interviewer's vibe as they are talking, are they crisp and abrupt or more laid back with their questions and responses to anything you have said.

Do not get too comfortable, whether on the phone or in person. Walking around, saying hi to people and neighbors, or flushing the toilet is NOT the way to conduct an interview on the Phone. Fidgeting, or even being too stiff are also in-person indicators to interviewers.

George Brooks

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